1. Refereed Journals
  2. Educational Journals
  3. Conferences
  4. Educational Conferences
  5. British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology Scientific Meeting Papers Abstracted
  6. Invited Talks
  7. Scientific Meetings Papers
  8. Non Refereed Journals
  9. Research Reports Written

Refereed Journals

"Electrical properties of epitaxial silicon films on -alumina"
PB Hart, PJ Etter, BW Jervis and JM Flanders
Brit J Appl Phys, 18, 1389-98, 1967
"Avalanche effects in bulk InP microwave diode oscillators"
BW Jervis and GS Hobson
Proc IEEE, 60, No 6, 722-3, June 1972
"Contact conductivity notch effects in indium phosphide microwave oscillators"
BW Jervis and GS Hobson
Solid State Electronics, 16, 945-50, August 1973
"Some microwave measurements upon grain and straw"
BW Jervis, GS Hobson and FA Benson
Trans American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 17, No 6, 1139-43, 1974
"Microwave Doppler-effect particle flow measurement"
BW Jervis
IEEE Trans Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, IECI-24, No 4,322- 27, November 1977
"Microwave Doppler-effect particle flow-meter: Approximate signal theory"
BW Jervis
IEEE Trans Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, IECI-26, No 3, 177-182, August 1979.
"Two simple methods for the measurement of the dielectric permittivity of low-loss microstrip substrates"
RM Pannell and BW Jervis
IEEE Trans Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-29, No 4, 383-6, April 1981
"A fundamental investigation of the composition of auditory evoked responses"
BW Jervis, MJ Nichols, TE Johnson, EM Allen and N R Hudson
IEEE Trans Biomedical Engineering, BME-30, No 1, 43-50, January 1983
"The application of pattern recognition techniques to the Contingent Negative Variation for the differentiation of subject categories"
BW Jervis, MJ Nichols, TE Johnson, EM Allen and NR Hudson
IEEE Trans Biomedical Engineering, BME-31, No 4, 342-9, April 1984
"Digital filtering of physiological signals with minimal distortion"
CF Hamer, EC Ifeachor and BW Jervis
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 23, 274-8, May 1985
"The assessment of two methods for removing eye movement artifact from EEG"
BW Jervis, MJ Nichols, EM Allen, NR Hudson and TE Johnson
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 61, 444-52, 1985
"A new on-line method for removing ocular artifacts from EEG signals"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EL Morris, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 24, No 4, 356-64, July 1986
"A new microcomputer-based instrument for on-line ocular artifact removal"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen and EL Morris Proc
IEE Pt A, No 5, 291-300, July 1986
"The removal of ocular artifacts from the electroencephalogram: A review"
BW Jervis, EC Ifeachor and EM Allen
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 26, 2-12, 1988
"Investigation and comparison of some models for removing ocular artifacts from EEG signals. Part I review of models and data analysis"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen, EL Morris, DE Wright and NR Hudson
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 26, 584-90, November 1988
"Investigation and comparison of some models for removing ocular artifacts from EEG signals. Part 2 quantitative and pictorial comparison of models"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen, EL Morris, DE Wright and NR Hudson
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 26, 591-8, November 1988
"Simulating microprocessor systems using occam and a network of transputers"
Gorton, J Kerridge and BW Jervis
Proc IEE Pt E, Computers and Digital Techniques, 136, No 1, 22-28, January 1989
"The spectral analysis of EEG responses"
BW Jervis, M Coelho and GW Morgan
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 27, 230-238, 1989
"Correcting ocular artifacts in the EEG: A comparison of several methods"
CHM Brunia, BW Jervis et al
J Psychophysiol, 3, 1-50, 1989
"Effect on EEG responses of removing ocular artifacts by proportional EOG subtraction"
BW Jervis, M Coelho and GW Morgan
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 27, 484-490, 1989
"Comparison of knowledge elicitation techniques in the domain of electronic filter tuning"
D Tsaptsinos, AR Mirzai, BW Jervis and CFN Cowan
IEE Proceedings, 137, Pt F, No 5, 337-344, October 1990
"PC-based integrated system developed to diagnose specific brain disorders"
MR Saatchi and BW Jervis
Computing and Control Engineering Journal, 2, No 2, 61-68, March 1991
"Comparison of computer-aided tuning algorithms applied to the amplitude response of passive analogue filters"
BW Jervis and M Crofts
IEE Proceedings-G, Electronic Devices and Systems, 138, No 3, 363-371, June 1991
"Pilot study of computerised differentiation of Huntington's disease, schizophrenic, and Parkinson's disease patients using the Contingent Negative Variation"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NR Hudson, S Oke, and M Grimsley
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 31, 31-8, January 1993
"A comparison of two methods of correcting ocular artifacts in the EEG"
MMC van den Berg-Lenssen, JAM van Gisbergen, BW Jervis
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 32, No 5, pp 501 - 511, 1994.
"The Contingent Negative Variation in positive and negative type schizophrenia"
S Oke, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NR Hudson, BW Jervis
American Journal of Psychiatry, 151/3, pp 432-433, March 1994.
"A neural network approach to fault diagnosis in CMOS op-amps with gate oxide short faults"
S Yu, BW Jervis, KR Eckersall, IM Bell, AG Hall, GE Taylor.
Electronics Letters, 30, No 9, 695-696, 28 April, 1994
"Application of Kohonen and Supervised Forced Organisation Maps to fault diagnosis in CMOS opamps".
P Collins, S Yu, K R Eckersall, B W Jervis, I M Bell, G E Taylor.
Electronics Letters, 30, No 22, pp 1846-1847, 27 October 1994
"Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Clinical Diagnosis".
G Papadourakis, M Vourkas, S Micheloyannis, B W Jervis
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 40, 623-635, 1996.
"Artificial neural network and spectrum analysis methods for detecting brain diseases from the CNV response in the electroencephalogram".
B W Jervis, M R Saatchi, A Lacey, T Roberts, E M Allen, N R Hudson, S Oke, M Grimsley.
IEE Proc, Pt A, Science, Measurement and Technology, 141, No 6, 432-440, Nov 1994.
"Signal Processing of the Contingent Negative Variation in Schizophrenia Using Multilayer Perceptrons and Predictive Statistical Diagnosis".
M R Saatchi, S Oke, E M Allen, B W Jervis and N Hudson.
IEE Proc., Pt A, Science, Measurement and Technology, 142, No 4, 269-276, July, 1995. Awarded the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institute Premium 1996. (The best of all published IEE journal papers in 1995/6.)
"A hybrid knowledge-based system-multilayer perceptron approach for the post-assembly tuning of electronic filters"
D Tsaptsinos and B W Jervis
Proc IEE Circuits, Devices and Systems, 142, No 5, 277-281, October, 1995.
"Diagnosis of multifaults in analogue circuits using multilayer perceptrons"
Y Maidon, B W Jervis, N Dutton and S Lesage
IEE Proc Circuits, Devices and Systems, 144, No 3, 149-154, June, 1997
"Diagnosis of CMOS Op-amps with Gate Oxide Short Faults Using Multilayer Perceptrons",
S Yu, B W Jervis, K R Eckersall, and I M Bell,
IEEE Trans Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 16, No 8, 930-935, 1998
"Multiple fault diagnosis in analogue circuits using time domain response features and multilayer perceptrons",
S Ogg, S Lesage, B W Jervis, Y Maidon, T Zimmer
IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst, vol 145, No 4, August, 1998, pp 213-218.

"The Probabilistic Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP (PSFAM)", B. W. Jervis, T. Garcia, E. P. Giahnakis, IEE Proc. Science, Measurement and Technology, vol. 146, pp. 165-169, July, 1999.

"Using artificial neural networks or Lagrange interpolation to characterise the faults in an analog circuit: An experimental study", Y. Maidon, B. W. Jervis, P. Fouillat, S. Lesage, IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 48, pp. 932-938, 5 October, 1999.

"Residual ocular artefact subsequent to ocular artefact removal from the electroencephalogram", B. W. Jervis, M. Thomlinson, C. Mair, J. M. L. Lopez and M. I. B. Garcia, IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas. Technol., vol 146, No. 6, 293-298, 1999.

"Extracting single trial event related potentials", J. Britton, B.W. Jervis and R.A. Grünewald, IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, Vol. 147, No. 6, p.382-388, November, 2000


"Digital signal processing: A practical approach" EC Ifeachor and BW Jervis, Addison-Wesley, 1993

This text book is based on our teaching and research

Chapter, "The Application of Neural Networks to Interpret Evoked Potential Waveforms", Barrie W. Jervis, in Perspectives in Neural Computing series, "Artificial Neural Networks in Biomedicine", Eds., Lisboa, Ifeachor, and Szczepaniak, Chapter 15, pp 195-210, Springer-Verlag, London, 1999.

Chapter, "Rapid Clinical Classification by the Probabilistic Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP, PSFAM", B. W. Jervis, T. Garcia, and E. P. Giahnakis, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference "Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare", E. C. Ifeachor, A. Sperduti, and A. Starita (Eds), World Scientific Publishing Co Pte. Ltd., 1998

Educational Journals

"European Inter-Institutional Degree Course Collaborations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering"
BW Jervis, JM Rodgers and JR Travis
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Educ, 30, 3-17, January 1993
"An expert Systems Course for Students of Electronic Engineering"
BW Jervis
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Educ, 30, 170-181, 1993


"Devices in silicon on alumina"
PB Hart, PJ Etter and BW Jervis
Solid State Devices Conference, Paper 2-3, 5-8, September 1967
"Microwave methods of monitoring grain losses in combine harvesters"
BW Jervis, GS Hobson and FA Benson
International Microwave Power Institute Conference, University of Loughborough, 11-13, September 1973.
"Attenuation in microstrip transmission lines with very lossy substrates"
BW Jervis, RM Pannell, JAH Steeden
IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Washington DC, USA, May 28-9, 1980
"The quantitative assessment of electroencephalograms corrected for eye movement artifacts"
BW Jervis, MJ Nichols, EM Allen, NR Hudson and TE Johnson
First European Signal Processing Conference, Lausanne, September, 1980
"Characterisation of stimulus-related responses in the EEG using individual responses"
BW Jervis, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Eleventh International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 61, S229, 1985
"Differentiation between subject categories using individual Contingent Negative Variation responses"
BW Jervis, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Eleventh International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 61, S229, 1985
"A microcomputer-based instrument for on-line ocular artifact removal"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen, EL Morris and NR Hudson
Eleventh International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 61, S229, 1985
"Removal of ocular artifacts from the human EEG"
BW Jervis, EC Ifeachor, EM Allen, EL Morris and NR Hudson
Seventh Annual Conference Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health Care, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, USA, 27-30 September, 1985, 1, 101-7 9
"Diagnosis of CNV data quantifies subject classification"
BW Jervis, G Morgan, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Seventh Annual Conference Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health Care, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, USA, 27-30 September, 1985, 2, 101-9
"An integrated system for process control, and the acquisition, storage and processing of data"
BW Jervis and MR Saatchi
IEE Colloquium "PC-based Instrumentation" Savoy Place, London, 31 January 1990 Colloquium Digest No 1990/025
"Least squares artifact removal by transputer"
BW Jervis, A Goude, M Thomlinson, S Mir and G Miller
IEE Colloquium "The transputer and signal processing" Savoy Place, London, 5 March 1990 Colloquium Digest No 1990/042
"Comparison of machine learning paradigms in a classification task"
D Tsaptsinos, AR Mirzai and BW Jervis
Proc Fifth International Conference Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering (AI Eng 90), Boston, Massachusetts. USA, 17-20 July, 1990. Proceedings vol 2, 323-339, Ed G Rzevski, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Boston, 1990
"Learning by analytical methods or induction: A case study"
D Tsaptsinos, BW Jervis and AR Mirzai
IEE Colloquium on "Machine Learning", Thursday 28 June 1990, IEE, Savoy Place, London Colloquium Digest No 1990/117
"Practical aspects of using an expert system-neural network hybrid system for tuning crystal filters"
D Tsaptsinos, BW Jervis and AR Mirza
Second International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Bournemouth, 18-20 November 1991 IEE Conference Publication, No 349, 314-317, 1991
"The application of unsupervised artificial neural networks to the sub-classification of subjects at-risk of Huntington's disease"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, T Lacey, T Roberts, G Papadourakis, EM Allen, NR Hudson, S Oke
IEE Colloquium, "Intelligent Decision Support Systems in Medicine", IEE Savoy Place, London, Monday 15 June 1992.
"Use of artificial neural networks for clinical diagnosis"
G Papadourakis, M Vourkas, S Michelogiannis, BW Jervis
4th Panhellenic Conference on Information Sciences, Patras, Greece, November 1993
"The Contingent Negative Variation as a biological marker in schizophrenia"
S Oke, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, BW Jervis, NR Hudson, M Grimsley
4th International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 17-21 April 1993. "Schizophrenia Research", special issue vol 9, nos 2 and 3, p165, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993.
"Computerised EEG methods for the diagnosis of Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease"
EM Allen, MR Saatchi, BW Jervis, S Oke, NR Hudson, M Grimsley.
XIII International Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1993.
"The Sensitivity of Multilayer Perceptrons for Differentiating Between the CNV Waveforms of Schizophrenic, Parkinson's Disease, and Huntington's Disease Subjects".
BW Jervis, S Yu, MR Saatchi, EM Allen.
International Conference of Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare, August 24-26, Plymouth 1994.
"Computerised EEG Methods for the diagnosis of Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease".
EM Allen, RS Saatchi, BW Jervis, S Oke, NR Hudson, M Grimsley
"New Trends in Clinicial Neuropharmacology", vol VIII, No 1, p 63, Jan-March 1994, 11th International Symposium on Parkinson's Disease, Rome, March 26-31 1994.
"Analysis by Neural Networks of the CNV from patients with Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Schizophrenia".
EM Allen, MR Saatchi, BW Jervis, S Oke, and NR Hudson.
Joint Meeting of the Royal College of Physicians of London with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan. 7-15 January, 1995, Karachi, Pakistan.
"The Contingent Negative Variation in negative and positive type schizophrenia"
S Oke, R Saatchi, E Allen, and B Jervis
Autumn Quarterly Meeting, The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 14-15 October, 1992, Proc. p29
"The use of principal component scores in the pre-symptomatic detection of Huntington's disease - a comparison with neural networks"
M Grimsley, B W Jervis, M R Saatchi, E M Allen, N R Hudson, S Oke,
pp 114-122, Proc Int Workshop on Medical and Biological Signal Processing, University of Plymouth, 1-2 September, 1995
"An initial investigation of the radial component distribution of the ocular electric dipole to ocular artefact in the electroencephalogram"
B W Jervis, M R Saatchi, P A Gilbert, E M Allen, S Oke, N R Hudson,
pp 33-37, Proc Int Workshop on Medical and Biological Signal Processing University of Plymouth, 1-2 September, 1995
"Classification De Maladies Nerveuses Par Rseaux de Neurones Artificiels Multicouches",
M. Sayadi, B. W. Jervis, F. Fnaiech, et A. Chaari,
J.T.E.A., Journes Tunisiennes d'electrotechnique et d'automatique", Hammamet, Tunisia, 10-11 November, 1995
Application of artificial neural networks to CNV data to investigate schizophrenia"
B. W. Jervis, S. Yu, R. F. Harrison, C. P. Lim, S. Oke.
Satellite Symposium, "EEG processing in psychiatry by means of artificial neural networks", to the Fourth International Symposium, ISNIP '95, "Imaging of the Brain in Psychiatry and Related Fields", Palmengarten Conference Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1 November, 1995.
"Fault diagnosis of CMOS Opamps containing gate oxide short faults by supply current monitoring using artificial neural networks",
B. W. Jervis,
Fourth NORMATE fringe meeting at the European Design and Test Conference , 1996, (ED & TC '96), CNIT, La Défence, Paris, Tuesday, 12 March, 1996
"Comparison between neural network and arithmetic Lagrange interpolation methods for analogue circuit testing",
Y. Maidon, S. Lesage, B. W. Jervis, S. Ogg, J. P. Dom,
IMST, International Mixed Signal Test Workshop, Québec City, Canada, May, 1996
"Multifault diagnosis of analogue circuits using multilayer perceptrons",
Y. Maidon, B. W. Jervis, N. Dutton, S. Lesage,
ETW '96, IEEE European Test Workshop, Montpellier, France, 12-14 June, 1966
"Detection of brain conditions from evoked responses using artificial neural networks",
B. W. Jervis, T. Roberts, A. Lacey, R. Woodcock, S. Yu, R. F. Harrison, C. P. Lim, E. M. Allen, S. Oke,
IEE Colloquium, "Artificial Intelligence Methods for Biomedical Data Processing", IEE, Savoy Place, London, 26 April, 1996. Colloquium Digest No. 1996/100, pp 9/1 - 9/8.
"Classification of brain conditions using multilayer perceptrons trained with a recursive least squares algorithm",
B. W. Jervis, M. Sayadi, F. Fnaiech,
Second International Conference, "Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare", Plymouth, 28-30 August, 1996
"Sub-classification of Parkinson's disease patients based on neuropsychological data using the Kohonen Self-organising Map",
M. Grimsley, B. W. Jervis, H. J. Sagar, R. Woodcock,
Second International Conference, "Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare", Plymouth, 28-30 August, 1996.
Application of artificial neural networks to CNV data to investigate schizophrenia",
B. W. Jervis, S. Yu, R. F. Harrison, C. P. Lim, S. Oke,
Satellite Symposium, "EEG processing in psychiatry by means of artificial neural networks", to the Fourth International Symposium, ISNIP ‘95, "Imaging of the Brain in Psychiatry and Related Fields", Palmengarten Conference Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1 November, 1995. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging, vol 68, Nos 2,3, p 166, Feb., 1997.
"Circuit multi-fault diagnosis and prediction error estimation using a committee of Bayesian neural networks"
Y. Brandt, B. W. Jervis, and Y. Maidon,
IEE Colloquium: Testing Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems, IEE, Savoy Place, London, Thursday 23 October, 1997.
Colloquium Digest No. 1997/361
"Using ANNs to characterise the faults in an analogue circuit: an experimental study",
Y. Maidon, S. Lesage, B. W. Jervis.
4th IEEE International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop, Atlantic Hotel, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 8th-11th, 1998.
"Rapid clinical classification by the Probabilistic Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP",
B W Jervis, T Garcia, E P Giahnakis,
Proc Third International Conference Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare (NNESMED), Pisa, Italy, September 2-4, 1998,
pp 205-216, World Scientific, 1998, ISBN 981-02-3611-5
Study of ERPs on an individual trial basis using Independent Component Analysis",
S. Le Men, B. W. Jervis, N. R. Porter, A. R. Mayes.
IEE Colloquium "Medical Applications of Signal Processing", IEE, Savoy Place, 6 October, 1999. Colloquium Digest 99/07, pp3/1-3/10.
" Extracting Single Trial Event Related Potentials",
J Britton, B W Jervis and R A Grünewald,
Int. Conference Medical Signal and Information Processing, MEDSIP 2000,University of Bristol, 4-6 September, 2000.
Towards the on-line diagnosis of faults in mixed signal circuits: a delta-sigma converter",
J. M. Holding and B. W. Jervis,
Intelligent Sensor Processing DERA/IEE Event, Austin Court, Birmingham, 14th February, 2000. IEE Colloquium Digest.
"The quantification of gas concentrations in mixtures of known gases using an array of tin oxide sensors",
B. W. Jervis, D. Cotton, J. Jimenez, and D. Martinez,
Intelligent Sensor Processing DERA/IEE Event, Austin Court, Birmingham, 14th February, 2000. IEE Colloquium Digest.
"The rapid classification of brain conditions using neural networks"
B. W. Jervis, L. Smaglo, and S. Djebali,
Intelligent Sensor Processing DERA/IEE Event, Austin Court, Birmingham, 14th February, 2000. IEE Colloquium Digest.

Educational Conferences

"Approaches to DSP in the School of Engineering Information Technology at Sheffield City Polytechnic, 1984-90"
BW Jervis and AJ Simmonds
IEE Colloquium on "The Teaching of DSP in Universities and Polytechnics", Tuesday 11 December 1990, IEE Savoy Place, London Colloquium Digest No 1990/117
"The development of a European Degree course collaboration in electronic systems engineering"
BW Jervis, JM Rodgers and JR Travis
Proc Sixth Conference "The Teaching of Electronic Engineering Degree Courses", 17/1-17/4, Hull, 7-9 April 1992
"Teaching expert systems to electronics engineers"
BW Jervis
Proc Sixth Conference "The Teaching of Electronic Engineering Degree Courses", 14/1-14/9, Hull 7-9 April 1992
"Un cour d'ingenieure electricien et electronique a la grande ecole francaise/An electrical and electronic engineering course at a grande Ecole"
BW Jervis
IEE Foreign Language Colloquium, French session IEE, Savoy Place, London, 12 October, 1993 Colloquium Digest No 1993/181, p 10/1.
"Les réseaux artificiels neuronaux"
B W Jervis
IEE Foreigh Language Colloquium in French and German. Brunel University, 17 October 1994. Colloquium Digest No 1994/189

British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology Scientific Meeting Papers Abstracted

"A microcomputer-based instrument for on-line ocular artifact removal"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EL Morris, EM Allen, and NR Hudson
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 61, S247, 1985
"Differentiation between subject categories using individual Contingent Negative Variation responses"
BW Jervis, EM Allen, NR Hudson and M Coelho
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 61, S237, 1985
"Characterisation of stimulus-related responses in the EEG using individual responses"
BW Jervis, EM Allen, NR Hudson and M Coelho
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 61, S229, 1985
"A new on-line system for removing ocular artifacts from the EEG"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 64, 35P, 1986
"The removal of ocular artifacts from stimulus-related responses"
BW Jervis, M Coelho, GW Morgan and EM Allen,
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 69, No 2, 42P, February 1985
"The spectral analysis of EEG responses"
BW Jervis, M Coelho, GW Morgan and EM Allen
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 69, No 2, 43P, February 1988
"Computerised diagnosis of schizophrenia, Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease in man using the Contingent Negative Variation (CNV)"
MR Saatchi, BW Jervis, EM Allen, NR Hudson, S Oke and M Grimsley
Joint Meeting of the Physiological Society and the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Sheffield, 20 April 1991. Abstracted in the Proceedings of the Physiological Society
"An investigation of presymptomatic diagnosis of Huntington's disease using the Contingent Negative Variation"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NG Hudson and S Oke
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 82, 90-91, May 1992
"Application of artificial neural networks to the identification of schizophrenic patients based on the Contingent Negative Variation"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NR Hudson and S Oke
Scientific meeting of the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, The John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, 8 April 1992
"A comparison of unsupervised artificial neural networks for the sub-classification of subjects at-risk of Huntington's Disease"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, A Lacey, GM Papadourakis, M Vourkas, T Roberts, EM Allen, NR Hudson, S Oke
Joint Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and the Electrophysiological Technologists' Association, St Thomas' Hospital, London, 8-9 January 1993

Invited Talks etc

Lecture to Institution of Electrical Engineers
"The electronic processing of electroencephalograms"
Talk "Electronic processing electroencephalograms"
Pattern Recognition Seminar, Plymouth Polytechnic, January 1979
Paper "Novel signal processing techniques applied to evoked potentials in the EEG"
Nuffield Symposium, Imperial College, 31 March 1982
"The application of electronic signal processing, directional statistics, and pattern recognition techniques to the Contingent Negative Variation for the diagnosis and prediction of Huntington's Chorea"
Department of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 4 February 1983
"The application of electronic signal processing, directional statistics, and pattern recognition techniques to the Contingent Negative Variation for the diagnosis and prediction of Huntington's Chorea"
Presented to the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Committee to Combat Huntington's Disease, State College, PA, USA, 15 October 1992.
"A technique for the investigation of repetitive electrical waveforms within background electrical activity"
Sheffield City Polytechnic, May 1984
"The application of electronic signal processing, directional statistics, and pattern recognition techniques to the Contingent Negative Variation for the diagnosis and prediction of Huntington's Chorea"
Royal Hallamshire Hospital, University of Sheffield, 15 November 1984
"The removal of ocular artifacts from EEG data"
BW Jervis, M Coelho, EC Ifeachor
Satellite Symposium, University of Tilburg, Netherlands, 13 October 1987 Invited presentation
"Sensitivity-based filter tuning"
BW Jervis
Invited Seminar, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Edinburgh, 22 February 1989
"Knowledge engineering applied to electronic filters"
D Tsaptsinos and BW Jervis ibid
"The differentiation between subjects with brain diseases and normals by signal processing methods applied to an evoked response in the electroencephalogram"
BW Jervis
Seminar, School of Engineering Information Technology, Sheffield Hallam University, 26 February 1992
"Research applications of artificial intelligence techniques"
BW Jervis
Seminar, School of Management and Information Sciences, Sheffield Hallam University, 17 June 1992
"Principles and Applications of Neural Networks"
BW Jervis
Seminar, School of Science, Sheffield Hallam University, 9 June 1993
"Evoked Potential Based Diagnosis of Brain Conditions"
B. W. Jervis
ANNDEE Workshop, Imperial College, London, 30 September, 1995.
"Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Brain Disease Detection Including Pre-onset"
B. W. Jervis,
ANNDEE Workshop, Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik der Freien Universitaet Berlin, 12-13 January, 1996
"Sub-classification of Parkinson's disease patients based on neuropsychological data using the Kohonen Self-organising Map",
M. Grimsley, B. W. Jervis, R. Woodcock, H. J. Sagar,
ANNDEE meeting, Technical University of Tampere, Finland, Friday, 7 June, 1996.
"The Fuzzy ARTMAP SFAM Implementation",
M. Giachnakis and B. W. Jervis,
ANNDEE meeting, Technical University of Tampere, Finland, Friday, 7 June, 1996
"Detection of Brain Conditions from Evoked Responses Using Artificial Neural Networks"
Seminar in the Dipartimento de Informatica, University of Pisa on 8 September 1998

Scientific Meeting Papers

Paper "The composition of the CNV"
EEG Society Scientific Meeting, 9 May 1981 (abstracted in the EEG Journal)
Co-author of seminar paper on Huntington's Chorea to Royal College of Psychiatrists, University of Bristol, 9 July 1983
"A PC-based instrument for recording CNVs"
BW Jervis and MR Saatchi
EEG Society Scientific Meeting, University of Aston, Birmingham, 21 June 1989
"Analysis of the CNV waveform for the diagnosis of schizophrenia, Huntington's Disease and Parkinson's Disease"
R Saatchi, BW Jervis, EM Allen, M Grimsley, NR Hudson and S Roke
The Electrophysiological Technologist Association Meeting, Exeter, Saturday 13 July 1990
"The CNV in negative and positive type schizophrenia"
S Oke, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NR Hudson, BW Jervis
Quarterly Meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatry, Metropole Hotel, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 15 October 1992, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Abstracts, p. 29.
(Awarded the Smith Kline Beecham award for the best short paper presentation)

Non-refereed Journals

"Reflectometer simplifies broadband testing"
BW Jervis and AF Tipper
Microwaves and RF, 24, No 3, 137-40, March 1985
"Sensitivity-based filter tuning"
BW Jervis and M Crofts
Electronics and Wireless World, 94, No 1627, 429-32, May 1988

Research Reports Written

"Devices in silicon films grown epitiaxially on -alumina"
BW Jervis
Allen Clarke Research Centre, Plessey Company, 31 October 1967
"Ion Implantation into GaAs: Theory and Experiment"
BW Jervis
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 13 October 1969
"Alloyed ohmic contacts to n-type gallium arsenide"
BW Jervis
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 7 October 1969
"The diffusion of P-type and of various other impurities into gallium arsenide"
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 6 August 1967
"The gallium arsenide Schottky barrier gate and junction gate field effect transistors: A comparison, review and design proposal"
BW Jervis
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 29 July 1969
"The gallium arsenide insulated gate field effect transistor: A review and design proposal"
BW Jervis
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 14 July 1969
"A quantitative investigation of the Contingent Negative Variation using electronic signal processing methods"
BW Jervis and EM Allen
Final report to the Nuffield Foundation, December 1982
"A quantitative investigation of the Contingent Negative Variation using electronic signal processing methods"
BW Jervis and EM Allen
Final Summary Report to the Nuffield Foundation, December 1982
"Microwave radiometry: A review, tutorial and discussion paper"
BW Jervis
Ionosphere Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, 21 April 1983
"The design of the antenna system for the IRL 22.2 GHz emission mode radiometer"
BW Jervis and Xingchu Hua
Ionosphere Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, July 1983
"Sensitivity-based computer-aided tuning of elliptic filters for optimum magnitude vs frequency response"
M Crofts and BW Jervis
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sheffield City Polytechnic, December 1987
"Industrial visits made in the USA"
Plymouth Polytechnic, September 1983

End: It may be that I could be just the person you need to fill a vacancy in which case please e-mail me.

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Dr. B.W. Jervis,

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Referring Page



  1. Refereed Journals
  2. Educational Journals
  3. Conferences
  4. Educational Conferences
  5. British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology Scientific Meeting Papers Abstracted
  6. Invited Talks
  7. Scientific Meetings Papers
  8. Non Refereed Journals
  9. Research Reports Written

Refereed Journals

"Electrical properties of epitaxial silicon films on -alumina"
PB Hart, PJ Etter, BW Jervis and JM Flanders
Brit J Appl Phys, 18, 1389-98, 1967
"Avalanche effects in bulk InP microwave diode oscillators"
BW Jervis and GS Hobson
Proc IEEE, 60, No 6, 722-3, June 1972
"Contact conductivity notch effects in indium phosphide microwave oscillators"
BW Jervis and GS Hobson
Solid State Electronics, 16, 945-50, August 1973
"Some microwave measurements upon grain and straw"
BW Jervis, GS Hobson and FA Benson
Trans American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 17, No 6, 1139-43, 1974
"Microwave Doppler-effect particle flow measurement"
BW Jervis
IEEE Trans Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, IECI-24, No 4,322- 27, November 1977
"Microwave Doppler-effect particle flow-meter: Approximate signal theory"
BW Jervis
IEEE Trans Industrial Electronics and Control Instrumentation, IECI-26, No 3, 177-182, August 1979.
"Two simple methods for the measurement of the dielectric permittivity of low-loss microstrip substrates"
RM Pannell and BW Jervis
IEEE Trans Microwave Theory and Techniques, MTT-29, No 4, 383-6, April 1981
"A fundamental investigation of the composition of auditory evoked responses"
BW Jervis, MJ Nichols, TE Johnson, EM Allen and N R Hudson
IEEE Trans Biomedical Engineering, BME-30, No 1, 43-50, January 1983
"The application of pattern recognition techniques to the Contingent Negative Variation for the differentiation of subject categories"
BW Jervis, MJ Nichols, TE Johnson, EM Allen and NR Hudson
IEEE Trans Biomedical Engineering, BME-31, No 4, 342-9, April 1984
"Digital filtering of physiological signals with minimal distortion"
CF Hamer, EC Ifeachor and BW Jervis
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 23, 274-8, May 1985
"The assessment of two methods for removing eye movement artifact from EEG"
BW Jervis, MJ Nichols, EM Allen, NR Hudson and TE Johnson
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 61, 444-52, 1985
"A new on-line method for removing ocular artifacts from EEG signals"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EL Morris, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 24, No 4, 356-64, July 1986
"A new microcomputer-based instrument for on-line ocular artifact removal"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen and EL Morris Proc
IEE Pt A, No 5, 291-300, July 1986
"The removal of ocular artifacts from the electroencephalogram: A review"
BW Jervis, EC Ifeachor and EM Allen
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 26, 2-12, 1988
"Investigation and comparison of some models for removing ocular artifacts from EEG signals. Part I review of models and data analysis"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen, EL Morris, DE Wright and NR Hudson
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 26, 584-90, November 1988
"Investigation and comparison of some models for removing ocular artifacts from EEG signals. Part 2 quantitative and pictorial comparison of models"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen, EL Morris, DE Wright and NR Hudson
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 26, 591-8, November 1988
"Simulating microprocessor systems using occam and a network of transputers"
Gorton, J Kerridge and BW Jervis
Proc IEE Pt E, Computers and Digital Techniques, 136, No 1, 22-28, January 1989
"The spectral analysis of EEG responses"
BW Jervis, M Coelho and GW Morgan
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 27, 230-238, 1989
"Correcting ocular artifacts in the EEG: A comparison of several methods"
CHM Brunia, BW Jervis et al
J Psychophysiol, 3, 1-50, 1989
"Effect on EEG responses of removing ocular artifacts by proportional EOG subtraction"
BW Jervis, M Coelho and GW Morgan
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 27, 484-490, 1989
"Comparison of knowledge elicitation techniques in the domain of electronic filter tuning"
D Tsaptsinos, AR Mirzai, BW Jervis and CFN Cowan
IEE Proceedings, 137, Pt F, No 5, 337-344, October 1990
"PC-based integrated system developed to diagnose specific brain disorders"
MR Saatchi and BW Jervis
Computing and Control Engineering Journal, 2, No 2, 61-68, March 1991
"Comparison of computer-aided tuning algorithms applied to the amplitude response of passive analogue filters"
BW Jervis and M Crofts
IEE Proceedings-G, Electronic Devices and Systems, 138, No 3, 363-371, June 1991
"Pilot study of computerised differentiation of Huntington's disease, schizophrenic, and Parkinson's disease patients using the Contingent Negative Variation"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NR Hudson, S Oke, and M Grimsley
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 31, 31-8, January 1993
"A comparison of two methods of correcting ocular artifacts in the EEG"
MMC van den Berg-Lenssen, JAM van Gisbergen, BW Jervis
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 32, No 5, pp 501 - 511, 1994.
"The Contingent Negative Variation in positive and negative type schizophrenia"
S Oke, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NR Hudson, BW Jervis
American Journal of Psychiatry, 151/3, pp 432-433, March 1994.
"A neural network approach to fault diagnosis in CMOS op-amps with gate oxide short faults"
S Yu, BW Jervis, KR Eckersall, IM Bell, AG Hall, GE Taylor.
Electronics Letters, 30, No 9, 695-696, 28 April, 1994
"Application of Kohonen and Supervised Forced Organisation Maps to fault diagnosis in CMOS opamps".
P Collins, S Yu, K R Eckersall, B W Jervis, I M Bell, G E Taylor.
Electronics Letters, 30, No 22, pp 1846-1847, 27 October 1994
"Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Clinical Diagnosis".
G Papadourakis, M Vourkas, S Micheloyannis, B W Jervis
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 40, 623-635, 1996.
"Artificial neural network and spectrum analysis methods for detecting brain diseases from the CNV response in the electroencephalogram".
B W Jervis, M R Saatchi, A Lacey, T Roberts, E M Allen, N R Hudson, S Oke, M Grimsley.
IEE Proc, Pt A, Science, Measurement and Technology, 141, No 6, 432-440, Nov 1994.
"Signal Processing of the Contingent Negative Variation in Schizophrenia Using Multilayer Perceptrons and Predictive Statistical Diagnosis".
M R Saatchi, S Oke, E M Allen, B W Jervis and N Hudson.
IEE Proc., Pt A, Science, Measurement and Technology, 142, No 4, 269-276, July, 1995. Awarded the Institution of Electrical Engineers Institute Premium 1996. (The best of all published IEE journal papers in 1995/6.)
"A hybrid knowledge-based system-multilayer perceptron approach for the post-assembly tuning of electronic filters"
D Tsaptsinos and B W Jervis
Proc IEE Circuits, Devices and Systems, 142, No 5, 277-281, October, 1995.
"Diagnosis of multifaults in analogue circuits using multilayer perceptrons"
Y Maidon, B W Jervis, N Dutton and S Lesage
IEE Proc Circuits, Devices and Systems, 144, No 3, 149-154, June, 1997
"Diagnosis of CMOS Op-amps with Gate Oxide Short Faults Using Multilayer Perceptrons",
S Yu, B W Jervis, K R Eckersall, and I M Bell,
IEEE Trans Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 16, No 8, 930-935, 1998
"Multiple fault diagnosis in analogue circuits using time domain response features and multilayer perceptrons",
S Ogg, S Lesage, B W Jervis, Y Maidon, T Zimmer
IEE Proc.-Circuits Devices Syst, vol 145, No 4, August, 1998, pp 213-218.

"The Probabilistic Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP (PSFAM)", B. W. Jervis, T. Garcia, E. P. Giahnakis, IEE Proc. Science, Measurement and Technology, vol. 146, pp. 165-169, July, 1999.

"Using artificial neural networks or Lagrange interpolation to characterise the faults in an analog circuit: An experimental study", Y. Maidon, B. W. Jervis, P. Fouillat, S. Lesage, IEEE Trans. Instrumentation and Measurement, 48, pp. 932-938, 5 October, 1999.

"Residual ocular artefact subsequent to ocular artefact removal from the electroencephalogram", B. W. Jervis, M. Thomlinson, C. Mair, J. M. L. Lopez and M. I. B. Garcia, IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas. Technol., vol 146, No. 6, 293-298, 1999.

"Extracting single trial event related potentials", J. Britton, B.W. Jervis and R.A. Grünewald, IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, Vol. 147, No. 6, p.382-388, November, 2000


"Digital signal processing: A practical approach" EC Ifeachor and BW Jervis, Addison-Wesley, 1993

This text book is based on our teaching and research

Chapter, "The Application of Neural Networks to Interpret Evoked Potential Waveforms", Barrie W. Jervis, in Perspectives in Neural Computing series, "Artificial Neural Networks in Biomedicine", Eds., Lisboa, Ifeachor, and Szczepaniak, Chapter 15, pp 195-210, Springer-Verlag, London, 1999.

Chapter, "Rapid Clinical Classification by the Probabilistic Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP, PSFAM", B. W. Jervis, T. Garcia, and E. P. Giahnakis, in Proceedings of the Third International Conference "Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare", E. C. Ifeachor, A. Sperduti, and A. Starita (Eds), World Scientific Publishing Co Pte. Ltd., 1998

Educational Journals

"European Inter-Institutional Degree Course Collaborations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering"
BW Jervis, JM Rodgers and JR Travis
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Educ, 30, 3-17, January 1993
"An expert Systems Course for Students of Electronic Engineering"
BW Jervis
International Journal of Electrical Engineering Educ, 30, 170-181, 1993


"Devices in silicon on alumina"
PB Hart, PJ Etter and BW Jervis
Solid State Devices Conference, Paper 2-3, 5-8, September 1967
"Microwave methods of monitoring grain losses in combine harvesters"
BW Jervis, GS Hobson and FA Benson
International Microwave Power Institute Conference, University of Loughborough, 11-13, September 1973.
"Attenuation in microstrip transmission lines with very lossy substrates"
BW Jervis, RM Pannell, JAH Steeden
IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Washington DC, USA, May 28-9, 1980
"The quantitative assessment of electroencephalograms corrected for eye movement artifacts"
BW Jervis, MJ Nichols, EM Allen, NR Hudson and TE Johnson
First European Signal Processing Conference, Lausanne, September, 1980
"Characterisation of stimulus-related responses in the EEG using individual responses"
BW Jervis, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Eleventh International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 61, S229, 1985
"Differentiation between subject categories using individual Contingent Negative Variation responses"
BW Jervis, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Eleventh International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 61, S229, 1985
"A microcomputer-based instrument for on-line ocular artifact removal"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen, EL Morris and NR Hudson
Eleventh International Congress of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 61, S229, 1985
"Removal of ocular artifacts from the human EEG"
BW Jervis, EC Ifeachor, EM Allen, EL Morris and NR Hudson
Seventh Annual Conference Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health Care, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, USA, 27-30 September, 1985, 1, 101-7 9
"Diagnosis of CNV data quantifies subject classification"
BW Jervis, G Morgan, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Seventh Annual Conference Frontiers of Engineering and Computing in Health Care, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Chicago, USA, 27-30 September, 1985, 2, 101-9
"An integrated system for process control, and the acquisition, storage and processing of data"
BW Jervis and MR Saatchi
IEE Colloquium "PC-based Instrumentation" Savoy Place, London, 31 January 1990 Colloquium Digest No 1990/025
"Least squares artifact removal by transputer"
BW Jervis, A Goude, M Thomlinson, S Mir and G Miller
IEE Colloquium "The transputer and signal processing" Savoy Place, London, 5 March 1990 Colloquium Digest No 1990/042
"Comparison of machine learning paradigms in a classification task"
D Tsaptsinos, AR Mirzai and BW Jervis
Proc Fifth International Conference Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering (AI Eng 90), Boston, Massachusetts. USA, 17-20 July, 1990. Proceedings vol 2, 323-339, Ed G Rzevski, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Boston, 1990
"Learning by analytical methods or induction: A case study"
D Tsaptsinos, BW Jervis and AR Mirzai
IEE Colloquium on "Machine Learning", Thursday 28 June 1990, IEE, Savoy Place, London Colloquium Digest No 1990/117
"Practical aspects of using an expert system-neural network hybrid system for tuning crystal filters"
D Tsaptsinos, BW Jervis and AR Mirza
Second International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Bournemouth, 18-20 November 1991 IEE Conference Publication, No 349, 314-317, 1991
"The application of unsupervised artificial neural networks to the sub-classification of subjects at-risk of Huntington's disease"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, T Lacey, T Roberts, G Papadourakis, EM Allen, NR Hudson, S Oke
IEE Colloquium, "Intelligent Decision Support Systems in Medicine", IEE Savoy Place, London, Monday 15 June 1992.
"Use of artificial neural networks for clinical diagnosis"
G Papadourakis, M Vourkas, S Michelogiannis, BW Jervis
4th Panhellenic Conference on Information Sciences, Patras, Greece, November 1993
"The Contingent Negative Variation as a biological marker in schizophrenia"
S Oke, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, BW Jervis, NR Hudson, M Grimsley
4th International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 17-21 April 1993. "Schizophrenia Research", special issue vol 9, nos 2 and 3, p165, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993.
"Computerised EEG methods for the diagnosis of Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease"
EM Allen, MR Saatchi, BW Jervis, S Oke, NR Hudson, M Grimsley.
XIII International Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1993.
"The Sensitivity of Multilayer Perceptrons for Differentiating Between the CNV Waveforms of Schizophrenic, Parkinson's Disease, and Huntington's Disease Subjects".
BW Jervis, S Yu, MR Saatchi, EM Allen.
International Conference of Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare, August 24-26, Plymouth 1994.
"Computerised EEG Methods for the diagnosis of Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease".
EM Allen, RS Saatchi, BW Jervis, S Oke, NR Hudson, M Grimsley
"New Trends in Clinicial Neuropharmacology", vol VIII, No 1, p 63, Jan-March 1994, 11th International Symposium on Parkinson's Disease, Rome, March 26-31 1994.
"Analysis by Neural Networks of the CNV from patients with Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Schizophrenia".
EM Allen, MR Saatchi, BW Jervis, S Oke, and NR Hudson.
Joint Meeting of the Royal College of Physicians of London with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan. 7-15 January, 1995, Karachi, Pakistan.
"The Contingent Negative Variation in negative and positive type schizophrenia"
S Oke, R Saatchi, E Allen, and B Jervis
Autumn Quarterly Meeting, The Royal College of Psychiatrists, 14-15 October, 1992, Proc. p29
"The use of principal component scores in the pre-symptomatic detection of Huntington's disease - a comparison with neural networks"
M Grimsley, B W Jervis, M R Saatchi, E M Allen, N R Hudson, S Oke,
pp 114-122, Proc Int Workshop on Medical and Biological Signal Processing, University of Plymouth, 1-2 September, 1995
"An initial investigation of the radial component distribution of the ocular electric dipole to ocular artefact in the electroencephalogram"
B W Jervis, M R Saatchi, P A Gilbert, E M Allen, S Oke, N R Hudson,
pp 33-37, Proc Int Workshop on Medical and Biological Signal Processing University of Plymouth, 1-2 September, 1995
"Classification De Maladies Nerveuses Par Rseaux de Neurones Artificiels Multicouches",
M. Sayadi, B. W. Jervis, F. Fnaiech, et A. Chaari,
J.T.E.A., Journes Tunisiennes d'electrotechnique et d'automatique", Hammamet, Tunisia, 10-11 November, 1995
Application of artificial neural networks to CNV data to investigate schizophrenia"
B. W. Jervis, S. Yu, R. F. Harrison, C. P. Lim, S. Oke.
Satellite Symposium, "EEG processing in psychiatry by means of artificial neural networks", to the Fourth International Symposium, ISNIP '95, "Imaging of the Brain in Psychiatry and Related Fields", Palmengarten Conference Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1 November, 1995.
"Fault diagnosis of CMOS Opamps containing gate oxide short faults by supply current monitoring using artificial neural networks",
B. W. Jervis,
Fourth NORMATE fringe meeting at the European Design and Test Conference , 1996, (ED & TC '96), CNIT, La Défence, Paris, Tuesday, 12 March, 1996
"Comparison between neural network and arithmetic Lagrange interpolation methods for analogue circuit testing",
Y. Maidon, S. Lesage, B. W. Jervis, S. Ogg, J. P. Dom,
IMST, International Mixed Signal Test Workshop, Québec City, Canada, May, 1996
"Multifault diagnosis of analogue circuits using multilayer perceptrons",
Y. Maidon, B. W. Jervis, N. Dutton, S. Lesage,
ETW '96, IEEE European Test Workshop, Montpellier, France, 12-14 June, 1966
"Detection of brain conditions from evoked responses using artificial neural networks",
B. W. Jervis, T. Roberts, A. Lacey, R. Woodcock, S. Yu, R. F. Harrison, C. P. Lim, E. M. Allen, S. Oke,
IEE Colloquium, "Artificial Intelligence Methods for Biomedical Data Processing", IEE, Savoy Place, London, 26 April, 1996. Colloquium Digest No. 1996/100, pp 9/1 - 9/8.
"Classification of brain conditions using multilayer perceptrons trained with a recursive least squares algorithm",
B. W. Jervis, M. Sayadi, F. Fnaiech,
Second International Conference, "Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare", Plymouth, 28-30 August, 1996
"Sub-classification of Parkinson's disease patients based on neuropsychological data using the Kohonen Self-organising Map",
M. Grimsley, B. W. Jervis, H. J. Sagar, R. Woodcock,
Second International Conference, "Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare", Plymouth, 28-30 August, 1996.
Application of artificial neural networks to CNV data to investigate schizophrenia",
B. W. Jervis, S. Yu, R. F. Harrison, C. P. Lim, S. Oke,
Satellite Symposium, "EEG processing in psychiatry by means of artificial neural networks", to the Fourth International Symposium, ISNIP ‘95, "Imaging of the Brain in Psychiatry and Related Fields", Palmengarten Conference Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 1 November, 1995. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging, vol 68, Nos 2,3, p 166, Feb., 1997.
"Circuit multi-fault diagnosis and prediction error estimation using a committee of Bayesian neural networks"
Y. Brandt, B. W. Jervis, and Y. Maidon,
IEE Colloquium: Testing Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems, IEE, Savoy Place, London, Thursday 23 October, 1997.
Colloquium Digest No. 1997/361
"Using ANNs to characterise the faults in an analogue circuit: an experimental study",
Y. Maidon, S. Lesage, B. W. Jervis.
4th IEEE International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop, Atlantic Hotel, The Hague, The Netherlands, June 8th-11th, 1998.
"Rapid clinical classification by the Probabilistic Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP",
B W Jervis, T Garcia, E P Giahnakis,
Proc Third International Conference Neural Networks and Expert Systems in Medicine and Healthcare (NNESMED), Pisa, Italy, September 2-4, 1998,
pp 205-216, World Scientific, 1998, ISBN 981-02-3611-5
"Study of ERPs on an individual trial basis using Independent Component Analysis",
S. Le Men, B. W. Jervis, N. R. Porter, A. R. Mayes.
IEE Colloquium "Medical Applications of Signal Processing", IEE, Savoy Place, 6 October, 1999. Colloquium Digest 99/07, pp3/1-3/10.
"Extracting Single Trial Event Related Potentials",
J Britton, B W Jervis and R A Grünewald,
Int. Conference Medical Signal and Information Processing, MEDSIP 2000,University of Bristol, 4-6 September, 2000.
"Towards the on-line diagnosis of faults in mixed signal circuits: a delta-sigma converter",
J. M. Holding and B. W. Jervis,
Intelligent Sensor Processing DERA/IEE Event, Austin Court, Birmingham, 14th February, 2000. IEE Colloquium Digest.
"The quantification of gas concentrations in mixtures of known gases using an array of tin oxide sensors",
B. W. Jervis, D. Cotton, J. Jimenez, and D. Martinez,
Intelligent Sensor Processing DERA/IEE Event, Austin Court, Birmingham, 14th February, 2000. IEE Colloquium Digest.
"The rapid classification of brain conditions using neural networks"
B. W. Jervis, L. Smaglo, and S. Djebali,
Intelligent Sensor Processing DERA/IEE Event, Austin Court, Birmingham, 14th February, 2000. IEE Colloquium Digest.

Educational Conferences

"Approaches to DSP in the School of Engineering Information Technology at Sheffield City Polytechnic, 1984-90"
BW Jervis and AJ Simmonds
IEE Colloquium on "The Teaching of DSP in Universities and Polytechnics", Tuesday 11 December 1990, IEE Savoy Place, London Colloquium Digest No 1990/117
"The development of a European Degree course collaboration in electronic systems engineering"
BW Jervis, JM Rodgers and JR Travis
Proc Sixth Conference "The Teaching of Electronic Engineering Degree Courses", 17/1-17/4, Hull, 7-9 April 1992
"Teaching expert systems to electronics engineers"
BW Jervis
Proc Sixth Conference "The Teaching of Electronic Engineering Degree Courses", 14/1-14/9, Hull 7-9 April 1992
"Un cour d'ingenieure electricien et electronique a la grande ecole francaise/An electrical and electronic engineering course at a grande Ecole"
BW Jervis
IEE Foreign Language Colloquium, French session IEE, Savoy Place, London, 12 October, 1993 Colloquium Digest No 1993/181, p 10/1.
"Les réseaux artificiels neuronaux"
B W Jervis
IEE Foreigh Language Colloquium in French and German. Brunel University, 17 October 1994. Colloquium Digest No 1994/189

British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology Scientific Meeting Papers Abstracted

"A microcomputer-based instrument for on-line ocular artifact removal"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EL Morris, EM Allen, and NR Hudson
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 61, S247, 1985
"Differentiation between subject categories using individual Contingent Negative Variation responses"
BW Jervis, EM Allen, NR Hudson and M Coelho
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 61, S237, 1985
"Characterisation of stimulus-related responses in the EEG using individual responses"
BW Jervis, EM Allen, NR Hudson and M Coelho
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 61, S229, 1985
"A new on-line system for removing ocular artifacts from the EEG"
EC Ifeachor, BW Jervis, EM Allen and NR Hudson
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 64, 35P, 1986
"The removal of ocular artifacts from stimulus-related responses"
BW Jervis, M Coelho, GW Morgan and EM Allen,
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 69, No 2, 42P, February 1985
"The spectral analysis of EEG responses"
BW Jervis, M Coelho, GW Morgan and EM Allen
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 69, No 2, 43P, February 1988
"Computerised diagnosis of schizophrenia, Huntington's disease and Parkinson's disease in man using the Contingent Negative Variation (CNV)"
MR Saatchi, BW Jervis, EM Allen, NR Hudson, S Oke and M Grimsley
Joint Meeting of the Physiological Society and the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, University of Sheffield, 20 April 1991. Abstracted in the Proceedings of the Physiological Society
"An investigation of presymptomatic diagnosis of Huntington's disease using the Contingent Negative Variation"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NG Hudson and S Oke
Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol, 82, 90-91, May 1992
"Application of artificial neural networks to the identification of schizophrenic patients based on the Contingent Negative Variation"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NR Hudson and S Oke
Scientific meeting of the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology, The John Radcliffe Hospital, Headington, Oxford, 8 April 1992
"A comparison of unsupervised artificial neural networks for the sub-classification of subjects at-risk of Huntington's Disease"
BW Jervis, MR Saatchi, A Lacey, GM Papadourakis, M Vourkas, T Roberts, EM Allen, NR Hudson, S Oke
Joint Scientific Meeting of the British Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and the Electrophysiological Technologists' Association, St Thomas' Hospital, London, 8-9 January 1993

Invited Talks etc

Lecture to Institution of Electrical Engineers
"The electronic processing of electroencephalograms"
Talk "Electronic processing electroencephalograms"
Pattern Recognition Seminar, Plymouth Polytechnic, January 1979
Paper "Novel signal processing techniques applied to evoked potentials in the EEG"
Nuffield Symposium, Imperial College, 31 March 1982
"The application of electronic signal processing, directional statistics, and pattern recognition techniques to the Contingent Negative Variation for the diagnosis and prediction of Huntington's Chorea"
Department of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 4 February 1983
"The application of electronic signal processing, directional statistics, and pattern recognition techniques to the Contingent Negative Variation for the diagnosis and prediction of Huntington's Chorea"
Presented to the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Committee to Combat Huntington's Disease, State College, PA, USA, 15 October 1992.
"A technique for the investigation of repetitive electrical waveforms within background electrical activity"
Sheffield City Polytechnic, May 1984
"The application of electronic signal processing, directional statistics, and pattern recognition techniques to the Contingent Negative Variation for the diagnosis and prediction of Huntington's Chorea"
Royal Hallamshire Hospital, University of Sheffield, 15 November 1984
"The removal of ocular artifacts from EEG data"
BW Jervis, M Coelho, EC Ifeachor
Satellite Symposium, University of Tilburg, Netherlands, 13 October 1987 Invited presentation
"Sensitivity-based filter tuning"
BW Jervis
Invited Seminar, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Edinburgh, 22 February 1989
"Knowledge engineering applied to electronic filters"
D Tsaptsinos and BW Jervis ibid
"The differentiation between subjects with brain diseases and normals by signal processing methods applied to an evoked response in the electroencephalogram"
BW Jervis
Seminar, School of Engineering Information Technology, Sheffield Hallam University, 26 February 1992
"Research applications of artificial intelligence techniques"
BW Jervis
Seminar, School of Management and Information Sciences, Sheffield Hallam University, 17 June 1992
"Principles and Applications of Neural Networks"
BW Jervis
Seminar, School of Science, Sheffield Hallam University, 9 June 1993
"Evoked Potential Based Diagnosis of Brain Conditions"
B. W. Jervis
ANNDEE Workshop, Imperial College, London, 30 September, 1995.
"Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Brain Disease Detection Including Pre-onset"
B. W. Jervis,
ANNDEE Workshop, Psychiatrische Klinik und Poliklinik der Freien Universitaet Berlin, 12-13 January, 1996
"Sub-classification of Parkinson's disease patients based on neuropsychological data using the Kohonen Self-organising Map",
M. Grimsley, B. W. Jervis, R. Woodcock, H. J. Sagar,
ANNDEE meeting, Technical University of Tampere, Finland, Friday, 7 June, 1996.
"The Fuzzy ARTMAP SFAM Implementation",
M. Giachnakis and B. W. Jervis,
ANNDEE meeting, Technical University of Tampere, Finland, Friday, 7 June, 1996
"Detection of Brain Conditions from Evoked Responses Using Artificial Neural Networks"
Seminar in the Dipartimento de Informatica, University of Pisa on 8 September 1998

Scientific Meeting Papers

Paper "The composition of the CNV"
EEG Society Scientific Meeting, 9 May 1981 (abstracted in the EEG Journal)
Co-author of seminar paper on Huntington's Chorea to Royal College of Psychiatrists, University of Bristol, 9 July 1983
"A PC-based instrument for recording CNVs"
BW Jervis and MR Saatchi
EEG Society Scientific Meeting, University of Aston, Birmingham, 21 June 1989
"Analysis of the CNV waveform for the diagnosis of schizophrenia, Huntington's Disease and Parkinson's Disease"
R Saatchi, BW Jervis, EM Allen, M Grimsley, NR Hudson and S Roke
The Electrophysiological Technologist Association Meeting, Exeter, Saturday 13 July 1990
"The CNV in negative and positive type schizophrenia"
S Oke, MR Saatchi, EM Allen, NR Hudson, BW Jervis
Quarterly Meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatry, Metropole Hotel, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, 15 October 1992, Royal College of Psychiatrists, Abstracts, p. 29.
(Awarded the Smith Kline Beecham award for the best short paper presentation)

Non-refereed Journals

"Reflectometer simplifies broadband testing"
BW Jervis and AF Tipper
Microwaves and RF, 24, No 3, 137-40, March 1985
"Sensitivity-based filter tuning"
BW Jervis and M Crofts
Electronics and Wireless World, 94, No 1627, 429-32, May 1988

Research Reports Written

"Devices in silicon films grown epitiaxially on -alumina"
BW Jervis
Allen Clarke Research Centre, Plessey Company, 31 October 1967
"Ion Implantation into GaAs: Theory and Experiment"
BW Jervis
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 13 October 1969
"Alloyed ohmic contacts to n-type gallium arsenide"
BW Jervis
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 7 October 1969
"The diffusion of P-type and of various other impurities into gallium arsenide"
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 6 August 1967
"The gallium arsenide Schottky barrier gate and junction gate field effect transistors: A comparison, review and design proposal"
BW Jervis
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 29 July 1969
"The gallium arsenide insulated gate field effect transistor: A review and design proposal"
BW Jervis
Nelson Research Laboratories, English Electric Company, 14 July 1969
"A quantitative investigation of the Contingent Negative Variation using electronic signal processing methods"
BW Jervis and EM Allen
Final report to the Nuffield Foundation, December 1982
"A quantitative investigation of the Contingent Negative Variation using electronic signal processing methods"
BW Jervis and EM Allen
Final Summary Report to the Nuffield Foundation, December 1982
"Microwave radiometry: A review, tutorial and discussion paper"
BW Jervis
Ionosphere Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, 21 April 1983
"The design of the antenna system for the IRL 22.2 GHz emission mode radiometer"
BW Jervis and Xingchu Hua
Ionosphere Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, July 1983
"Sensitivity-based computer-aided tuning of elliptic filters for optimum magnitude vs frequency response"
M Crofts and BW Jervis
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sheffield City Polytechnic, December 1987
"Industrial visits made in the USA"
Plymouth Polytechnic, September 1983

End: It may be that I could be just the person you need to fill a vacancy in which case please e-mail me.

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Dr. B.W. Jervis,

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